Why Is it Important to Wear Socks with Shoes – Mk Socks ””
Why Is it Important to Wear Socks with Shoes

Why Is it Important to Wear Socks with Shoes

Why Is it Important to Wear Socks with Shoes

Why Is it Important to Wear Socks with Shoes

Wearing shoes without socks has become second nature to many people. Unfortunately, their feet didn’t get a vote. There are many reasons why wearing socks with shoes is important, and foot health is at the top of the list.

There’s a Fungus Among Us

Fungus loves warm, moist, dark places—like the insides of your shoes. Athlete’s foot isn’t a problem restricted to athletes; anyone can get it. Socks absorb moisture and “wick” it away from your feet. Depending on the type of shoe, the moisture then evaporates through a mesh or leather upper, or vents on the sides of the shoe. Unfortunately, many types of shoes have synthetic linings, which don’t “breathe” well. Without socks to absorb and wick away moisture, sweat is trapped inside the shoe, creating great conditions for fungus to develop. Even if your shoes aren’t particularly breathable, socks will hold the moisture away from your feet, reducing the odds for your feet to develop a fungal infection.

What’s That Smell?

Sweaty feet mean stinky shoes. Without socks, the inside of the shoes stays moist, and in addition to fungus, that moisture invites bacteria to grow. Sweat can also stain the shoe’s interior. Wearing shoes without socks, especially if you wear the same pair of shoes several days in a row, means that your feet and shoes combine every day to create and worsen that unpleasant foot smell. Anyone who has to be around you every day will thank you for wearing socks.

Is That Sandpaper?

If you could buff a wood floor with your bare feet, you’re busted: you haven’t been wearing socks. Going without socks results in rough—and even cracked—feet. Socks help keep your feet soft, while also protecting them from the friction that causes blisters. Some modern shoe styles, such as pointed toes, subject the bony parts of the feet to additional rubbing and pressure. This not only can cause blisters, but these shoes can even contribute to problems like bunions. Slip-on shoes encourage the wearer to claw-in their toes to try to hold on to the shoe, and slip-ons also tend to rub the heel, because the foot slips in and out of the shoe as the wearer walks.

Cushion, Comfort, and Style

Socks help cushion your feet. The hard surfaces found in modern work environments—with concrete floors, paved streets, parking lots, and sidewalks—subject feet to a beating every day. Socks help cushion the blow. Your feet will simply be more comfortable with socks. Wearing socks doesn’t mean sacrificing style—quite the contrary. Custom sports socks add flair even if you’re not on the court or out on the field.

We hope we’ve convinced you about why wearing socks with shoes is important for your foot health, your comfort, and your style.